Monday, May 26, 2008

Hillary's RFK Comment

This whole thing boggles my mind.

Not once did she say anything about running for President because of assassination. She was citing historical fact to point out that many other primary races were not decided until June. That is all I see in the video.

Go out to YouTube and type in "Hillary, RFK". Curiously the first video displayed is a rant by that pampas ass Keith Olbermann and not the actual incident. That is most likely a coincidence, but do people actually listen the words and decide for themselves anymore? Is there something else hear that I am not aware off? I don't get it.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Good Article

Here is an interesting article from Glenn Beck about how liberal colleges defend themselves with conservative values when they see fit. Typical!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The FairTax: An Introduction

I am a big supporter of the FairTax proposal and wish to provide you the reader with a basic introduction. Before I get started, I think that you should know that all of the information in this article comes from “The FairTax Book” written by Neal Boortz and John Linder. If you find this subject interesting, then I suggest that you purchase and read this book. Please keep in mind that this is only an introduction, although I will probably provide more information on this topic in the future.

The FairTax Act of 2005 is legislation introduced to the Congress and the Senate that would fundamentally and radically change how U.S. citizens pay taxes. It’s a bipartisan effort that has received support from both sides of the isle.

The FairTax Act would repeal the following taxes;

  • The individual income tax
  • The alternative minimum tax
  • Corporate and business income taxes
  • Capital gains taxes
  • Social Security taxes
  • Medicare taxes (along with all other federal payroll taxes)
  • The self-employment tax
  • Estate taxes
  • Gift taxes

Did you notice that “Corporate and business income taxes” are being repealed? In my opinion, this is the most important part of the plan. You must understand the fallacy of corporate taxes. Corporations are created to make money for share holders. They don’t pay for business taxes and neither does the share holder. Guess who pays for that. Yes, that’s right! You do. Every time you purchase a product you are paying for all those embedded taxes.

The other import point related to corporate taxes is that the United States has one of the highest corporate taxes in the world. This gives companies a competitive disadvantage to operate in the US over other locations. You know all those manufacturing companies that have moved overseas? Well imagine what might happen if the United States had NO corporate taxes. That would give this country a great competitive advantage.

So how would the government collect money? Well, all of these taxes would be replaced by a 23 percent sales tax on retail level items. Currently we are taxed based on our income, but under the FairTax plan we will be taxed based on what we purchase. You know all that money that comes out of your paycheck each month? Well, nothing would come out under this plan. You would receive it all back and instead pay your taxes when you buy stuff.

This plan also provides a provision to compensate for the basic necessities of life. Every household will receive a monthly rebate check based on the annual consumption allowance as calculated by the federal government. According to “The FairTax Book” this refund would have been $506 in 2006. The purpose of this refund would be to make up for necessities like milk, bread, and eggs.

So you may think are there any hidden benefits to this plan? HELL YES!!! You know those drug dealers, illegal immigrants, and prostitutes that don’t pay any taxes on their illegal incomes. Guess What? Under the FairTax plan they are going to be paying their fair share of taxes just like us law abiding citizens.

Well that concludes this brief introduction to the FairTax. As I stated in my introduction, I hope that your interest in this topic has grown. If you want more information then please visit

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tired of the election!

I am getting sick of this race between Obama and Clinton. I would have never thought the Republicans would win this election, but now I have no doubt. With Barack and Hilary destroying each other, neither of them will win now. If they would join forces, I don't think they could lose. Each of them are too proud to do that. Instead they are just annihilating the party. McCain is probably loving this. He doesn't even have to spend a dime in campaign money yet, since the Democrats are just trashing each other for him. I don't know who I will vote for at this point. I probably won't know for a long time either, since we will never have a nominee on the one side. I wish we would just get down to the final two, so we can see a real match going on. Oh, well. Just ranting.....


Primary Observation

Well the Republican and Democrate primary's are well underway. John Mccain is pulling away on the Republican side and Hillary and Barak are very close.

Is it just me or are these primary's very over complicated? You have delegates and superdelagates. Each state has its own rules. For example, Washington holds their primary's over multiple days. Some states reward a disproportionate amount of delegates compared to other states. Some states award all to the winner.

I will only say this once and remember it well, "It's a lot harder to corrupt a simple and understandable process than an over complicated process." I am not making any overt accusations here. I just wanted to point out a little observation that I had.

Democrat or Republican?

Why must we be classified into one of these groups? Why must our candidates fall into one of these two very narrow categories? Do we assume this is the way to do it because it works best or is it because this is always how we have done it?

Personally I am fed up with Democrats and Republicans. How many average everyday Americans believe everything the Republicans say and everything the Democrats say? I can't imagine the number is more than 5% of all Americans. For example, I couldn't care less if homosexuals get married. Is it morally wrong? It seems funny to me, but at the same time I really don't care if they get married or not. They are people to. I guess this means I am a Democrat. Or am I?

I also believe that the government should not be taxing my income out the wazoo so that some lazy jerk can sit on his rear all day and receive the type of government handouts that Democrats constantly push. I guess that means I am a Republican. Or am I?

The point that I am trying to make here is that I do not belong to some narrow category of beliefs. Like every other American I have a complex set of beliefs forged by life experiences. Shouldn't we question a political system that tries to cram us into one of two categories?

Why is this topic never debated? Why isn't this topic discussed on CNN, FoxNews, or MSNBC? Well, let me tell you why in one word. POWER. Our current political system guarantee's that those currently in power keep their power one way or another. By pushing political beliefs into two categories those in power simplify the process so that it can be controlled. The end result is that we end up with same contrived candidates again and again and again.

I am not trying to propose a solution here, but I am trying to point out that something is not right and everyday citizens are the ones who pay the price.